
Check this GitHub page to see how SCRB-seq/mcSCRB-seq libraries are generated experimentally. Those are plate-based methods, where single cells are sorted into 96- or 384-well plates in a one-cell-per-well manner. Each well contains a barcoded RT primers to label mRNA from each well. After reverse transcription, cDNA from all wells are pooled together, and one single library is prepared per plate. A plate barcode is added at the library amplification stage using the Illumina Nextera Index primers. The cells can be identified using the combination of the well barcode and the plate barcode.

For Your Own Experiments#

Your sequencing read configuration is like this:






Read 1


This yields R1_001.fastq.gz, 6 bp cell barcodes + 10 bp UMI


Index 1 (i7)


This yields I1_001.fastq.gz, Plate barcode


Index 2 (i5)

8 or None

This yields I2_001.fastq.gz, Plate index (if using dual index)


Read 2


This yields R2_001.fastq.gz, cDNA reads

If you sequence your data via your core facility or a company, you will need to provide the plate index sequence, which is the N7xx primer from the Illumina Nextera Index king, to them and they will demultiplex for you. You will get one two fastq files per plate. The cell barcode is basically the first 6 bp of Read 1 (R1_001.fastq.gz).

If you sequence by yourself, you need to run bcl2fastq by yourself. You have two choices:

Option 1: Prepare a SampleSheet.csv with index information for each plate, and get the fastq for each plate by running bcl2fastq. Here is an example of SampleSheet.csv of a NextSeq run with five different plates:

Application,NextSeq FASTQ Only,,,,,,,,,,
Instrument Type,NextSeq/MiniSeq,,,,,,,,,,
Assay,AmpliSeq Library PLUS for Illumina,,,,,,,,,,
Index Adapters,AmpliSeq CD Indexes (384),,,,,,,,,,

Then, for each plate, you will get two fastq files, like this:


You can process each plate independently. See the later section on how to prepare a cell barcode whitelist.

Option 2: I actually prefer this way: run bcl2fastq without a SampleSheet.csv like this:

bcl2fastq --create-fastq-for-index-reads \
          --no-lane-splitting \
          --ignore-missing-positions \
          --ignore-missing-controls \
          --ignore-missing-filter \
          --ignore-missing-bcls \
          -r 4 -w 4 -p 4

In this case, you will get three fastq files for each experiment:


Your plate barcodes are in the Undetermined_S0_I1_001.fastq.gz and the well barcodes are the first 6 bp of Undetermined_S0_R1_001.fastq.gz. The cell barcode is basically the combination of the plate barcode and the well barcode. To run starsolo, we need to prepare cell barcode and UMI read files by stitching I1 and R1, that is, put the sequence from I1 in front of R1:

paste <(zcat Undetermined_S0_I1_001.fastq.gz) <(zcat Undetermined_S0_R1_001.fastq.gz) | \
    awk -F '\t' '{ if(NR%4==1||NR%4==3) {print $1} else {print $1 $2} }' | \
    gzip > Undetermined_S0_CB_UMI.fastq.gz

The resulting Undetermined_S0_CB_UMI.fastq.gz file contains reads with 24 bp in length. The first 14 bp are the cell barcodes (plate barcode + well barcode), and the rest 10 bp are UMI. See the later section on how to prepare a cell barcode whitelist.

Public Data#

For the purpose of demonstration, we will use the mcSCRB-seq data from the following paper:


Mereu E, Lafzi A, Moutinho C, Ziegenhain C, McCarthy DJ, Álvarez-Varela A, Batlle E, Sagar, Grün D, Lau JK, Boutet SC, Sanada C, Ooi A, Jones RC, Kaihara K, Brampton C, Talaga Y, Sasagawa Y, Tanaka K, Hayashi T, Braeuning C, Fischer C, Sauer S, Trefzer T, Conrad C, Adiconis X, Nguyen LT, Regev A, Levin JZ, Parekh S, Janjic A, Wange LE, Bagnoli JW, Enard W, Gut M, Sandberg R, Nikaido I, Gut I, Stegle O, Heyn H (2020) Benchmarking single-cell RNA-sequencing protocols for cell atlas projects. Nat Biotechnol 38:747–755.

where the authors benchmarked quite a few different scRNA-seq methods using a standardised sample: a mixture of different human, mouse and dog cells. We are going to use the data from the mcSCRB-seq method. You can download the fastq file from this ENA page. There are 8 plates in total, but I’m just downloading one plate for the demonstration.

mkdir -p mereu2020/mcscrb-seq
wget -P mereu2020/mcscrb-seq -c
wget -P mereu2020/mcscrb-seq -c

Prepare Whitelist#

The data we get from the above paper is already demultiplexed based on plate, which is the same as the output from Option 1 described above. In this case, the cell barcode is essentially the barcode in the RT primer in the well. The barcoded oligo-dT can be download from the page of mcSCRB-seq.

# Download the oligo-dT file from
# If this does not work, go to the page and download manually
wget -O mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/mcSCRB-seq_oligodT.txt

# the 3rd column is the well barcode
tail -n +2 mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/mcSCRB-seq_oligodT.txt | \
    cut -f 3 > mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/whitelist.txt

You should get 384 lines (well barcodes) in mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/whitelist.txt, and here I’m just showing the first five lines:


If you perform mcSCRT-seq on your own and generated the fastq files with Option 2 described above, the whitelist should be a combination of the plate barcode and the well barcode. Just using the five plates (N701, N702, N703, N704 and N705) described above as an example, you should put the each of the N7xx barcode in front of the 384 well barcode to get a total of 5 * 384 = 1920 cell barcodes. You can do this in the following way:

    do tail -n +2 mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/mcSCRB-seq_oligodT.txt | \
        awk -v PLATE_BARCODE=${pb} '{print PLATE_BARCODE $3}';
    done > mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/whitelist2.txt

You should get 1920 lines (well barcodes) in mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/whitelist2.txt, and here I’m just showing the first five lines:


From FastQ To Count Matrix#

Now we could start the preprocessing by simply doing:

STAR --runThreadN 4 \
     --genomeDir mix_hg38_mm10/star_index \
     --readFilesCommand zcat \
     --outFileNamePrefix mereu2020/star_outs/ \
     --readFilesIn mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/SRR9621767_2.fastq.gz mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/SRR9621767_1.fastq.gz \
     --soloType CB_UMI_Simple \
     --soloCBstart 1 --soloCBlen 6 --soloUMIstart 7 --soloUMIlen 10 \
     --soloCBwhitelist mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/whitelist.txt \
     --soloStrand Forward \
     --outSAMattributes CB UB \
     --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate

The above scenario is from Option 1. If you are doing the experiments by yourself and using Option 2, you should do:

STAR --runThreadN 4 \
     --genomeDir mix_hg38_mm10/star_index \
     --readFilesCommand zcat \
     --outFileNamePrefix /path/to/star_outs/ \
     --readFilesIn /path/to/Undetermined_S0_R2_001.fastq.gz /path/to/Undetermined_S0_CB_UMI.fastq.gz \
     --soloType CB_UMI_Simple \
     --soloCBstart 1 --soloCBlen 14 --soloUMIstart 15 --soloUMIlen 10 \
     --soloCBwhitelist mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/whitelist2.txt \
     --soloStrand Forward \
     --outSAMattributes CB UB \
     --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate


If you understand the SCRB-seq/mcSCRB-seq experimental procedures described in this GitHub Page, the command above should be straightforward to understand.

--runThreadN 4

Use 4 cores for the preprocessing. Change accordingly if using more or less cores.

--genomeDir mix_hg38_mm10/star_index

Pointing to the directory of the star index. The public data from the above paper was produced using the HCA reference sample, which consists of human PBMCs (60%), and HEK293T (6%), mouse colon (30%), NIH3T3 (3%) and dog MDCK cells (1%). Therefore, we need to use the species mixing reference genome. We also need to add the dog genome, but the dog cells only take 1% of all cells, so I did not bother in this documentation.

--readFilesCommand zcat

Since the fastq files are in .gz format, we need the zcat command to extract them on the fly.

--outFileNamePrefix mereu2020/star_outs/

We want to keep everything organised. This directs all output files inside the mereu2020/star_outs directory.

--readFilesIn mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/SRR9621767_2.fastq.gz mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/SRR9621767_1.fastq.gz or --readFilesIn /path/to/Undetermined_S0_R2_001.fastq.gz /path/to/Undetermined_S0_CB_UMI.fastq.gz

If you check the manual, we should put two files here. The first file is the reads that come from cDNA, and the second file should contain cell barcode and UMI. In SCRB-seq/mcSCRB-seq, cDNA reads come from Read 2, and the cell barcode and UMI come from either Read 1 or the CB_UMI.fastq.gz file we created as described above. Check the mcSCRB-seq GitHub Page if you are not sure.

--soloType CB_UMI_Simple

Most of the time, you should use this option, and specify the configuration of cell barcodes and UMI in the command line (see immediately below). Sometimes, it is actually easier to prepare the cell barcode and UMI file upfront so that we could use this parameter. This is what we did for Option 2 as described above.

--soloCBstart 1 --soloCBlen 6 --soloUMIstart 7 --soloUMIlen 10 or --soloCBstart 1 --soloCBlen 14 --soloUMIstart 15 --soloUMIlen 10

The name of the parameter is pretty much self-explanatory. If using --soloType CB_UMI_Simple, we can specify where the cell barcode and UMI start and how long they are in the reads from the first file passed to --readFilesIn. Note the position is 1-based (the first base of the read is 1, NOT 0).

--soloCBwhitelist mereu2020/mcscrb-seq/whitelist.txt

The plain text file containing all possible valid cell barcodes, one per line. The content of this file varies depending on the strategy (Option 1 vs Option 2) and the primer used during the experiment. We just demonstrated the standard whitelist in the paper.

--soloStrand Forward

The choice of this parameter depends on where the cDNA reads come from, i.e. the reads from the first file passed to --readFilesIn. You need to check the experimental protocol. If the cDNA reads are from the same strand as the mRNA (the coding strand), this parameter will be Forward (this is the default). If they are from the opposite strand as the mRNA, which is often called the first strand, this parameter will be Reverse. In the case of SCRB-seq and mcSCRB-seq, the cDNA reads are from the Read 2 file. During the experiment, the mRNA molecules are captured by barcoded oligo-dT primer containing the Illumina Read 1 sequence. Therefore, Read 1 comes from the first strand, complementary to the coding strand. Read 2 comes from the coding strand. Therefore, use Forward for SCRB-seq/mcSCRB-seq data. This Forward parameter is the default, because many protocols generate data like this, but I still specified it here to make it clear.

--outSAMattributes CB UB

We want the cell barcode and UMI sequences in the CB and UB attributes of the output, respectively. The information will be very helpful for downstream analysis.

--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate

We want sorted BAM for easy handling by other programs.

If everything goes well, your directory should look the same as the following:

├── mcscrb-seq
│   ├── mcSCRB-seq_oligodT.txt
│   ├── SRR9621767_1.fastq.gz
│   ├── SRR9621767_2.fastq.gz
│   ├── whitelist2.txt
│   └── whitelist.txt
└── star_outs
    ├── Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
    ├── Log.out
    ├── Log.progress.out
    └── Solo.out
        ├── Barcodes.stats
        └── Gene
            ├── Features.stats
            ├── filtered
            │   ├── barcodes.tsv
            │   ├── features.tsv
            │   └── matrix.mtx
            ├── raw
            │   ├── barcodes.tsv
            │   ├── features.tsv
            │   └── matrix.mtx
            ├── Summary.csv
            └── UMIperCellSorted.txt

6 directories, 20 files